Toilet Torture

Put An End To Running Toilets
By Fred Linson - Ezinearticles
I am convinced the noise made by a running toilet is a form of torture if you are trying to sleep. Here is how to fix it and get some sleep.
In order to fix a running toilet, you need to first understand how the basic mechanism works. The repair of the flush part of a toilet is one of the most basic plumbing jobs. It requires no special tools and can normally be done by the homeowner without professional help. When the flush handle is pushed, a ball valve or flapper at the bottom of the tank opens allowing the water to flow from the tank. The water flows into the bowl and dislodges the waste and causes suction down the drain.
By Fred Linson - Ezinearticles
I am convinced the noise made by a running toilet is a form of torture if you are trying to sleep. Here is how to fix it and get some sleep.
In order to fix a running toilet, you need to first understand how the basic mechanism works. The repair of the flush part of a toilet is one of the most basic plumbing jobs. It requires no special tools and can normally be done by the homeowner without professional help. When the flush handle is pushed, a ball valve or flapper at the bottom of the tank opens allowing the water to flow from the tank. The water flows into the bowl and dislodges the waste and causes suction down the drain.

At the same time this is happening, a float operated valve opens and the tank begins to refill. As soon as the last water drains from the tank, the flapper or ball valve drops closed, and the tank refills. As the tank refills, the float gradually rises until it shuts off the filler valve. The cycle is then ready to start again. It is easy to observe this operation. Carefully remove the lid from the tank and place it safely aside on a towel. Then run the toilet through several flush cycles observing the operation. Do not be afraid to touch the water. It is fresh and clean water from the same source as your sinks.
Usually, observation will show you the problem. A common culprit is the chain connecting the flush handle and the flapper. If it becomes dislodged or tangled, the flapper will not close completely. If the flapper does not close completely, the water will continue to leak through into the bowl. As the water level lowers, the float valve will drop and the fill valve will begin to refill the tank. This is what causes the continuous running.
Usually, observation will show you the problem. A common culprit is the chain connecting the flush handle and the flapper. If it becomes dislodged or tangled, the flapper will not close completely. If the flapper does not close completely, the water will continue to leak through into the bowl. As the water level lowers, the float valve will drop and the fill valve will begin to refill the tank. This is what causes the continuous running.

Toilet Torture
It is sometimes the flush handle that becomes loose and does not allow the flapper to close completely. The flush handle can be adjusted by tightening or loosening the bolt holding it in place. Also observe the float and the water level. If the water fills up to the overflow valve and does not shut off, you can adjust the float. Usually this is done by either bending the rod holding the float or on more modern units moving an adjusting nut.
It is estimated that 30% to 40% of your household water supply goes down the drain with your flushed toilets. It can be very wasteful to allow them to run continuously. Even after you have fixed the running problem, it is not a bad idea to place a stone or brick into the tank to displace some of the water volume. The float valve can be adjusted also to lower the water level, but be sure there is enough water flow left to do the job.
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