Toilet Seat Dermatitis

Toilet Seat Dermatitis
All About Dermatitis - Signs, Treatment, and Prevention
By James Culvers Platinum Quality Author - Ezinearticles
By James Culvers Platinum Quality Author - Ezinearticles
Dermatitis is simply an inflammation of the skin. Most often this is caused by allergies whereby the skin becomes inflamed upon contact with an allergen. Dermatitis can also be dandruff or any condition whereby dead skins falls from the face or scalp.
There are multiple signs of dermatitis. Often, the affected area will usually blister, become itchy, and will often develop a rash which crusts. If these symptoms present themselves in certain situations, such as coming into contact with dogs, then it is likely that you are having an allergic reaction. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should visit a doctor, as he will be able to confirm just what the problem is. The doctor will perform allergy tests as well as thoroughly examine the affected area.

Antibiotics and antihistamines can be prescribed by the doctor for extreme dermatitis. Taking these will treat most inflammations, and you should see them subside fairly rapidly. However you should not rely on treatment alone, and should consider prevention. Taking responsibility for your condition can greatly improve your quality of life.
Luckily, is you are diagnosed as having dermatitis, there are several things you can do. High on the list is ensuring that you drink plenty of water to keep you well hydrated. This can help prevent the skin drying, reducing the impact of the dermatitis inflammation. You should also ensure that you wash with a mild non alcoholic soap, as harsh soaps are known to make the affected areas of skin even worse. You should avoid long baths and showers as this also has a drying effect on the skin, and try to avoid wool or any other material that is known to be an irritant. You should do everything you can to keep your skin hydrated, including using moisturisers.

If you are suffering from dandruff, there are plenty of anti dandruff shampoos on the market which are usually extremely effective at repairing the scalp and preventing dandruff. Ensure you rinse the shampoo out thoroughly, and continue to use it regularly to prevent future outbreaks.

Suffering from dermatitis does not have to make life painful and embarrassing. By utilising the products and treatments available, and making a few lifestyle changes, you can greatly reduce the frequency of outbreaks, as well as their length and severity.

Toilet Seat Dermatitis
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