Crazy Toilets

Crazy Toilets
This crystal encrusted toilet from Jemal Wright Bath Designs is studded with 50,000 various sized, hand set Swarvoski crystals. According to the Jemal Wright website, the Isis toiletis ”for those who demand more.” This throne will set you back $75,000.00 If you need more bling, a matching sink and tub are available.

If gleaming crystals are not enough then may want this Gold-plated Moscow toilet. This over the top, half million dollar toilet is equipped with advanced plasma mirror and digital controls devices. The decorative areas are gilded marble.

The Microsoft eToiletwill surf the Internet, play mp3s from Zune and monitor your health. The 21″ flat screen on the lid swings out of the way on an arm. The special gauge inside (based on a composting toilet) will provide web-based dietary recommendations. Other features include a flush delay if someone is showering, clog detection and water monitoring. Many people seem most happy about the functions for the seat that will warm it when necessary and lower it when left up by forgetful husbands.

The Meat toiletis not a functioning toilet but a work of art by Italian artist Simone Racheli. His meat collection of everyday objects is on display at the Paolo Maria Deanesi gallery. His work includes such items as a chair, bicycle frame and clothes iron. Simone uses plastic, wax and other materials to construct his art.

This toilet is on the international space station. NASA purchased this high-tech toilet from Russia for $19 million dollars. The toilet recycles urine into drinkable water. Urine is passed though a U.S.-made filtering system, which separates water molecules from waste as the filter won’t let anything larger than tiny water molecules to pass through it. The waste is stored in tanks and disposed later on earth.

Crazy Toilets
This toilet is designed for someone who wishes to never leave the bathroom. It’s named the Roto Rooter Pimped Out John. In addition to surfing the Internet and playing music, this thing is equipped with an Xbox 360, Tivo DVR, exercise bike and kegerator. The red button in the picture is not an “Easy” button; rather it is an emergency call button to Roto-Rooter in case something goes wrong.
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