Toilet Seat Cartoon

Toilet Seat Cartoon
The toilet seat color you choose will help to set the tone for your bathroom decor, and you might be surprised to know that bathroom seats come in a large variety of solid colors, patterns, and finishes. You can keep things very simple, or you can really spruce your bathroom up with an unexpected color or design.

The top seat colors start with traditional white. White is just about perfect for a toilet seat because it goes with everything, and if you are the type of person who really doesn't feel that toilets need to have extra attention drawn to them, white is the way to go. If you are prepping your home for sale, you'll want to use white because potential buyers want to be able to see the home with potential for their decorating style. If you have some sort of fancy design, it might detract from their ability to picture how they would decorate a bathroom.

Toilet Seat Cartoon
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