Toilet Seat is Loose

Toilet Seat is Loose
Toilet Seat bolts are loose or damaged

If the bolts are loose, use a flat head screw driver to hold the bolt steady and gently tighten the nut underneath the seat with adjustable pliers. If the bolts are corroded or damaged they will need to be replace. Be certain to purchase the same size bolt from the hardware store. To loosen corroded bolts you may need to apply penetrating oil and let it set for several hours. If that does not work you can use a hack saw to remove the bolts.

Toilet Seat is cracked

If the toilet seat is damaged and needs to be replace remove the bolts in the manner described above and lift the seat from the bowl. Be certain the seat you purchase is the same width and length as the one you are replacing.

Broken loose toilet seat
Broken/loose toilet seat

Repair A Loose Toilet Seat

If you have a toilet seat that shifts from side to side, you’re not alone. Many newer toilet seats are held in place by plastic nuts and bolts, which don’t lock the seat into place as well as metal fasteners. Stick two-sided carpet tape ($5 at home centers) to the bottom of the hinges and they won’t slide around.

Toilet Seat is Loose

Replace toilet seat
Repair A Loose Toilet Seat


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